Design of I-Shape Column Base Plate with Moment & Axial Compression [xls] [Excel sheet ]

Design of I-Shape Column Base Plate with Moment & Axial Compression [xls] [Excel sheet ]

  • This spreadsheet is based on ASD design.
  • You can input geometrical properties of the steel column on the base plate, as well as, the geometrical properties of the base plate (length of base plate, width of base plate, and initial base plate thickness, base plate yield stress, and bolt distances).
  • You can input forces acted onto the column (eg. compression force and bending moment).
  • The spreadsheet checks for eccentricity by determining whether it is a large eccentricity case. If so, then overturning will be critical so anchor rods will be required for the base plate design. The anchor rod tension required for the base plate will then be automatically computed, when the eccentricity is over its critical eccentricity.
  • The spreadsheet computes the base plate thickness by checking for yielding at bearing and tension.


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