Bangash Structural Details In Concrete[PDF]

Bangash Structural Details In Concrete

Full drawings are prepared by structural engineers acting as consultants as part of the
documentation. The architects are involved in the preparation of the site and
other general arrangement plans
. The main contractors are involved in preparation of
temporary work drawings
, including shoring and formwork. During the contract,drawings are sometimes modified by minor amendments and additional details. Thesedrawings are generally updated as the projects progress. The drawings, which are
distributed to other
engineers including those providing services and to contractors, are
prints taken from the
original drawings made on tracing paper, called negatives. Thesenegatives are provided with thick borders as a precaution against tearing. Plastic film
the other hand gives a smooth hard wearing surface. Almost all drawings are donein ink. A typical drawing sheet contains the following data in the panel on the righthand side of the drawing.  


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