Structural Analysis and Design of Tall Buildings - Steel and Composite Construction - Bungale S. Taranath - Free Download [PDF]

Structural Analysis and Design of Tall Buildings - Steel and Composite Construction - Bungale S. Taranath - Free Download [PDF]


                      Structural Analysis and Design of Tall Buildings - Steel and Composite Construction written by Bungale S. Taranath, Ph.D., P.E., S.E., Corporate Consultant, DeSimone Consulting Engineers Las Vegas, Nevada is published by CRC Press. 

                      Using conceptual thinking and basic strength of material concepts as foundations, the book attempts to show how to use imperfect information to estimate the answer to much larger and complex design problems. To do so requires a certain intuitive feel for numbers as well as an appreciation of the fact that the “right answer” in this context is only of an order of magnitude of a more precise computer solution, but good enough to put us on the right track. The whole idea is to break seemingly intractable problems down to more manageable pieces that can be quickly approximated. The emphasis in this book is on steel and composite building systems.

This book integrates the design aspects of steel and composite buildings within a single text. This book will serve as a comprehensive design guide and reference for practicing engineers and educators, and, more importantly, as a welcome mat for recent graduates entering the structural engineering profession by assuring them that they have discovered an exciting world of challenges and opportunities.


                     Dr. Bungale S. Taranath, PhD, PE, SE, is a corporate consultant to DeSimone Consulting Engineers, a consulting firm, with offices in New York, Miami, San Francisco, New Haven, Las Vegas, Hong Kong, and Abu Dhabi. He has extensive experience in the design of concrete, steel, and composite tall buildings and has served as principal-in-charge  for many notable high-rise buildings. He has held positions as a senior project engineer in Chicago, Illinois, and as vice president and principal-in-charge  with two consulting firms in Houston, Texas. He has also served as a senior project manager with a consulting firm in Los Angeles, California. Dr. Taranath is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers and the Concrete Institute, and a registered structural and professional engineer in several states. He has conducted research into the behavior of tall buildings and shear wall structures and is the author of a number of published papers on torsion analysis and multistory construction projects. 

  1. Lateral Load Resisting Systems for Steel Buildings 
  2. Lateral Load-Resisting Systems for Composite Buildings 
  3. Gravity Systems for Steel Buildings
  4. Gravity Systems for Composite Buildings 
  5. Wind Loads 
  6. Seismic Design
  7. Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings, ANSI/AISC 341-10
  8. Seismic Rehabilitation of Existing Steel Buildings 
  9. Special Topics 
  10. Connection Details 


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