The Behaviour and Design of Steel Structures to EC3 - 4th Edition by N.S.Trahair, M.A. Bradford, D.A. Nethercot,and L. Gardner - Free Download [PDF]
The Behaviour and Design of Steel Structures to EC3 written by N.S.Trahair, M.A. Bradford, D.A. Nethercot,and L. Gardner is published by Tailor and Francis Group.
This fourth British edition has been directed specifically to the design of steel structures in accordance with Eurocode 3 Design of Steel Structures. The principal part of this is Part 1-1:General Rules and Rules for Buildings and this is referred to generally in the text as EC3. Also referred to in the text are Part 1-5: Plated Structural Elements, and Part 1-8: Design Of Joints, which are referred to as EC3-1-5 and EC3-1-8. EC3 will be accompanied by National Annexes which will contain any National Determined Parameters for the United Kingdom which differ from the recommendations given in EC3.
Designers who have previously used BS5950 (which is discussed in the third British edition of this book) will see a number of significant differences in EC3. One of the more obvious is the notation. The notation in this book has been changed generally so that it is consistent with EC3.
Another significant difference is the general absence of tables of values computed from the basic design equations which might be used to facilitate manual design. Some designers will want to prepare their own tables, but in some cases, the complexities of the basic equations are such that computer programs are required for efficient design. This is especially the case for members under combined compression and bending, whicha rediscussed in Chapter7. However, the examples in this book are worked in full and do not rely on such design aids.
EC3 provides elementary rules for the design of members in torsion. These are generalised and extended in Chapter 10, which contains a general treatment of torsion together with a number of design aids
- Introduction
- Tension members
- Compression members
- Local buckling of thin-plate elements
- In-plane bending of beams
- Lateral buckling of beams
- Beam-columns
- Frames
- Joints
- Torsion members