Reinforced Concrete Design by W.H.Mosley and J.H.Bungey Free Download [PDF]

Reinforced Concrete Design by W.H.Mosley and J.H.Bungey Free Download [PDF]




The purpose of this book is to provide a straightforward introduction to the principles and methods of design for concrete structures. It is directed primarily at students and young designers who require an understanding of the basic theory and a concise guide to design procedures. Although the detailed design methods are generally according to British Standards . much of the theory and practice is of a fundamental nature and should, therefore. be useful to engineers in other countries. Limit state concepts, as recently introduced in the new Codes of Practice , are used and the calculations are in SI units throughout. The subject matter has been arranged so that chapters 1 to 5 deal mostly with theory and analysis while the subsequent chapters cover the design and detailing of various types of member and structure. In order to include topics that are usually in an undergraduate course, there is a chapter on earth-retaining and water-retaining structures, and also a final chapter on prestressed concrete. Important equations that have been derived within the text are highlighted by an asterisk adjacent to the equation number. In preparing the fourth edition of this book, the principal aim has been to incorporate new information relating to the design of water-retaining structures, as proposed by British Standard BS 8007. The remainder of the text, which relates to BS 8 110 , remains essentially unchanged with only very minor amendments.- Preface by author

  1. Properties of Reinforced Concrete
  2. Limit State Design
  3. Analysis of the Structure
  4. Analysis of the Section
  5. Shear, Bond and Torsion
  6. Serviceability, Durability and Stability Requirements
  7. Design of Reinforced Concrete Beams
  8. Design of Reinforced Concrete Slabs
  9. Column Design
  10. Foundations
  11. Water-retaining Structures and Retaining Walls
  12. Prestressed Concrete


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